Hans-Peter is born in Leipzig (Germany – ex DDR) in 1942.
In 1960, while teaching the building works at the “Bau-Union” in Leipzig, he starts studying painting in the evening, at the graphics and architecture university.
From 1961 to 1965, he studies the philosophy at the Leipzig university faculty. Then, from 1965 to 1970, he completes his art studies at the Graphic Arts university in Leipzig, in the painting section.
Since 1970, he works as a free lance artist.
In 1994, Hans-Peter Müller becomes “sociétaire du Salon d’Automne” in Paris, where he will show his work every year. 1997, The “Société des Artistes Français” recognizes his talent by awarding him the bronze medal.
Hans-Peter works have been shown worldwide: Aue, Bagdad, Bamberg, Cottbus, Erfurt, Gera, Kosice, Kronach, Leipzig, Moscow, Naumburg, Petersbourg, Prag, Rottembourg, Tokyo, Yokoama, Brussels, Portugal.
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Self-portrait with Ouroboros . Ø 20 cms . oil on canvas

Ouroboros´ birth . Ø 60 cms . oil on canvas

The angel who shouts: Glory to Toutatis! . 180x60 cms + Ø 60 cms (diptych) . oil on canvas

Self-portrait with Ouroboros . Ø 20 cms . oil on canvas