Born September 3, 1981 in Cuba. It is moving from the age of 19 to study art and gets bac + 5 plastic arts education, and a Master in Sciences of Education. It is also critical graduate art critic of the twentieth century, Critique of Visual Arts in Cuba, Panorama visual arts 90-95, Challenges and visual arts in the area. Painter, he works for a gallery while, a university professor and art school. He then many exhibitions abroad, he now lives in France since 2012 He settled in Chalons-en-Champagne, and starts an artistic creation residence and continued to exhibit in France and abroad. His passions: art in all its forms and Cuban culture, he loves to discover and share. His talent was quickly recognized all over the archipelago, and artistic projects are multiplying in his native country and elsewhere. First destination of globe-trotter: Colombia. He participated in the VII Biennale International of Arts, in Bogota and in numerous exhibitions around. His travels also bear in Venezuela, Spain, Scotland, Germany or England, over the exhibitions and private collections for which he created. "Art is very important to me. It's a way to express themselves in many forms, to share his interpretation of life. I mix styles, the work of ancient and contemporary artists, while inspiring me to literary and pictorial references. The school of Dali, for example, the mythological world of the anthropologist Carlos Castaneda, or representatives of the Latin American Boom, as the writer Gabriel García Márquez. "
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Woman with hat VI . 130x90 cms . acrylic on panel

The General in his labytinth . 195x130 cms . acrylic on canvas

Whimsical . 200x200 cms

Woman with hat VI . 130x90 cms . acrylic on panel