Tribute to La Fontaine
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The Merchant, the Aristocrat, the Shepherd and the Prince - Book X, fable 15 - oil on canvas - 40 x 50 cm

A Fool and a Wise man - Book XII, fable 22 - oil on canvas - 50 x 40 cm

The Charlatan - Book VI, fable 19 - oil on canvas - 80 x 60 cm

The Husband ill-matched - Book VII, fable 2 - oil on canvas - 80 x 60 cm

The Child and the Schoolmaster - Book I, fable 19 - oil on canvas - 80 x 60 cm

The Man and his Image - Book I, fable 11 - oil on canvas - 110 x 55 cm

The Death and the Woodsman - Book I, fable 16 - oil on canvas - 110 x 55 cm

The Shepherd and the Sea - Book IV, fable 2 - oil on canvas - 120 x 80 cm

The Scythian Philosopher - Book XII, fable 20 - oil on canvas - 130 x 65 cm

The Astrologer who happens to fall into a well - Book II, fable 13 - oil on canvas - 120 x 80 cm

The Satyr and the Passer-by - Book V, fable 7 - oil on canvas - 80 x 60 cm

The Fly and the Ant - Book IV, fable 3 - oil on canvas - 80 x 60 cm

The Hornets and the Honeybees - Book I, fable 21 - oil on canvas - 120 x 80 cm

The Old Man and his Sons - Book IV, fable 18 - oil on canvas- 22 x 16 cm

Love and Folly - Book XII, fable 14 - oil on canvas - 120 x 80 cm

The Ass with a load of Holy Relics (Version 2) - Book V, fable 14 - oil on canvas - 27 x 55 cm (SOLD)

The Bat, the Bush and the Duck - Book XII, fable 7 - oil on canvas - 65 x 81 cm (SOLD)

The Ape and the Dolphin - Book IV, fable 7 - oil on canvas - 22 x 16 cm (SOLD)

The Fox, the Ape and the Animals - Book VI, fable 6 - oil on panel - 30 x 50 cm

The Stag who sees himself in the water - Book VI, fable 9 - oil on panel- 30 x 50 cm

The Rat and the Elephant - Book VIII, fable 15 - oil on panel- 50 x 30 cm

The Ape and the Leopard - Book IX, fable 3 - oil on panel - 30 x 50 cm

The Elephant and Jupiter's Ape - Book XII, fable 21 - oil on panel - 30 x 50 cm

The Ass with a load of Holy Relics - Book V, fable 14 - oil on canvas - 65 x 100 cm

The Cat and an old Rat - Book III fable 18 - oil on panel - 50 x 20 cm

The Dragon with many heads and the Dragon with many tails - Book I, fable 12 - oil on canvas - 30 x 90 cm

The Wolf pleading against the Fox before the Ape - Book II, fable 3 - oil on canvas - 130 x 97 cm

The little Fish and the Fisherman - Book V, fable 3 - oil on panel - 24 x 19 cm

The Mouse metamorphosed into a maiden - Book IX, fable 7 - acrylic on canvas - 140 x 100 cm

The Old Man and the three Young Men - Book XI, fable 8 - acrylic on canvas - 120 x 90 cm